What is Google Assistant? Ok Google. What it can do and how it works?

What is Google Assistant?

In Simple words, Google Assistant is a Google’s voice assistant or it’s an artificial intelligence powered virtual assistant. Initially it was available on smartphones and smart homes devices. Now it is available on all devices like Android 6.0+ watches, Android 6.0+ TVs, Google Home, Android 5.0+ phones, iOS 10.0+ devices, Headphones, Android 6.0+ tablets.

Google Assistant is now available on iPhone as well.

Google Assistant was the extension of Google now app. It works in same way and manners, engage in two way conversation format for delivering the information by using the Google’s natural language processing algorithm.  

To start a conversation, user has to simply touch and hold the home button on the device and say “Hey Google” or “Ok, Google” & then ask a question or say a command. Here user can get the Google Assistant for hands-free help.

Google Assistant can able to manage various tasks. User can manage their schedule, can take help on everyday tasks, search on internet and even can control smart-home devices and much more.

With the help of Google assistant user can connect very easily and quickly. User can use Google assistant for their daily tasks like make calls, send messages, set reminders, draft mails and even more than this.

Google Assistant works on voice commands which helps user to complete various uncountable tasks.

Let’s try to know how many and what kind of works Google Assistant helps us in completing. 

Where Google Assistant is available?

  • Phone: Manage Tasks on Android Phones
  • Speakers: Get hand free help around the house
  • Cars: Enjoy driving and get hand free help from assistant
  • TVs: Get help on eligible TV devices. Press the mic button on remote to get started.
  • Wearables: Get help from your wear OS by Google smartwatches

What can Google Assistant do?

Text Messages:  User can send a text to near and dear ones or other contacts or can read the messages you received with just your voice.

Google Maps: User can able to get real-time traffics updates and also navigate the places you are planning to visit.

Gmail: With the help of Google Assistant user can send emails and able to search something in Gmail which user are looking for.

WhatsApp Messages: User can send instant WhatsApp text and voice messages or can able to read the messages you’ve received by voice.

Google Search: Google Assistant also assists in hands-free search by using the voice only and user to get quick answers from the web.

Calls on Mobile: Can make call to the contacts, businesses or any phone number by using the Google Assistant.

Camera: Google Assistant can also help the user to take selfie or photos.

Weather Conditions: Get real-time weather forecasts and updates. Know your present and upcoming weather forecast. User can hear the local weather conditions and upcoming forecast for any location.

News: Can listen to the latest news. User has a liberty to choose from various news sources they trust to personalize the experience.

Open apps and websites: With the help of Google Assistant and by using the voice only user can open their favourite apps and websites.

Voicemail: User can check voicemail by using voice only.

Find Nearby Places: User can ask Google Assistant about local businesses like restaurants, salon, grocery stores, shopping malls, museums, parks, and mores nearby. Whatever you are looking for, can search out with the help of Assistant. User can quickly and easily find answers about businesses, restaurants and nearest attractions.

Memory Assistance: Google Assistant also helps in remembering the things. User can ask Assistant to remember friends frequent quick dial number, user father’s favourite ice cream, or where user has parked his/her car.

Video Calls: User can ask Google Assistant to start video calls by using voice.

Bluetooth Connect: Google Assistant can also help in enable or disable Bluetooth or assist in playing music on phone by connecting it via Bluetooth.

Youtube Streaming: With the help of Google Assistant user can watch favourite videos, latest trending videos, get personalise recommendations on youtube app and much more.

Chromecast: With the support of Google Assistant users can use Google Home to control Chromecast devices with just using their voice. Also can stream favorite music, control playback and turn on/off your Chromecast-connected TV by just with help of Google Assistant.

Above is the list of some of few works that Google Assistant can do. It can do much more than that. Just ask any question or put a command. Get the quick and best fitted answers. 

How to use Google Assistant?

Mostly all new Android smartphone devices are equipped with Google Assistant. To start a conversation, user has to first enable it on Android smartphone by Just touch and hold the Home button or say “Ok Google”. Process of using Google Assistant is very simple and easy to start that anybody can use it.

Procedure to enable Google Assistant:

Foremost is to start the Google app.

Press the More option in the bottom-right corner.

Move to Settings > Google Assistant.

Select General > Enable the option Google Assistant.

Once the Google Assistant is turned on than next step is to just press & hold the home button and say either “Ok, Google” or “Hey, Google”, and then ask question or give your command. To understand better let’s take an example by giving command in such way, “Ok, Google. Play a best music video on YouTube”.

User can give command by using his/her voice or they can write by typing on smartphone to assistant as well.

Devices the Google Assistant work with

  • Android 6.0+ watches
  • Android 6.0+ TVs
  • Google Home
  • Android 5.0+ phones
  • iOS 10.0+ devices
  • Headphones
  • Android 6.0+ tablets

Languages Google Assistant understand

On Android devices, the Google Assistant is available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Malayalam, Marathi, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, and Vietnamese. More  

How Google Assistant works?

Google Assistant goal is to provide the best possible answers for which the user are looking for.

Let’s try to learn how Google Assistant works. How it understand the users intent behind the request and how Assistant works with services to help user to find just what they wanted to know.

Whenever users place some request, ask a question or put a command to do something, Assistant tries to respond to the request in most possible helpful and favourable way.

To complete the task Google Assistant tries to understand the intent behind the command and then responds in best helpful way.

Understanding Request (Speech Recognition Technology)

If the user is using his/her voice for interaction with the Google Assistant than speech recognition technology converts user request to text.

Once request is converted to text than Google Assistant tries to analyses the text by considering some information like recent request or the type of device users are using to identify possible explanation. 

Than Google Assistant compare the available options, it compiles a list of the different interpretations of the user request and how it would respond to each one. The further step is to rank these available options to find the best way to execute the user request.

Responses Ranking

While ranking the available resources Google Assistant considers some of the following below mentioned factors.

How much is Assistant sure that it understood the request or command.

Is response is really available for a particular interpretation of the user request.

Satisfaction level of previous users with a particular response to the same kind of requests.

At what time the last response was created, to help user to give variety of fresh, high-quality responses.

How accurately and efficiently a response works on the device that you are using.

What other questions or request user asked for recently.

What kind of activity the user currently doing on the device, such as which app was installed or which mail user have opened, when user put a command to Assistant for help, or what Assistant is already helping user with.

These are the some of the main factors are being normally used for ranking based on users engagement with Google Assistant and User Personal preferences. 

Provider Selection

Google Assistant responds to some types of requests by connecting user with responses provided by other creators and businesses, as well as responses from Google.

In case of specific request where name of particular provider is asked, Google Assistant instantly fulfill the request and take user to asked provider.

In a situation of general request where more than one provider is available, Assistant ranks the options by considering the factors like preferences information (Google account setting, recently installed app on device, linked provider to Google account), provider information (Popularity, Average user rating, Providers response time) etc.

If there is situation when no provider clearly ranks highest, at that time Google Assistant may ask user to select a provider so that it can respond in best possible way to user request.

Results Personalization

The Google Assistant uses various kind of information to make user experience more useful and relevant. For example, like user calendar, current location etc.

if there is request where in requires personal information than Google Assistant try to recognise user by using technologies like Voice Match or Face Match. But it all depends upon the setting, the Assistant will take reference data from users Google Account to get what user need when he/she ask for help.

Providing Best Response to Request

Once the ranking process is done and any personalization is finished, Google Assistant then responds or give answer for the asked question with what it feels is the best option, a list of available options, or lets user know if it doesn’t understand user command or request.

If there is a situation where in lots of several highly ranked responses are available, Google Assistant may ask user for more information to clarify your intent behind the request.

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